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What is Resident Evil: Mortal Night?

Mortal Night is a non-profit fan-made total conversion mod of Capcom’s videogame “Resident Evil 2”.



What does it contain?

It's a nearly total conversion of the original game. "Nearly" because it conserves the original rooms, even though it adds some new. Enemies, items, messages, cutscenes and events are completely different. It's a whole new campaign. These are the most complex scripted rooms ever shown in any Resident Evil mod. This new scenario lasts about 4 hours and is divided in 3 episodes and a prologue.



What about the gameplay?

A new atmosphere based on a kind of 4th Survivor mode combined with part of the original survival horror feeling of the campaign. It contains a new story, new mechanics, a more complex route than the original game, new cutscenes and events... that will completely enhance the gameplay. There are over 30 cutscenes distributed among the three episodes and there are 3 unlockable endings.


NEW: the latest version includes the feature of randomization, which means that enemies, items, door locks and cutscenes will vary, slightly or greatly, every time you start a new playthrough.


The difficulty of the game is quite elevated, so it’s necessary to save ammo and look after the health since the very beginning.


The gameplay is a mix of action, puzzle solving and surviving: it’s pure survival-horror. Although it contains more action than the original game, the tension, and even the terror, are greater too.


Summing up, it's scarying, entertaining and good.



Original release date

February 14th, 2016.   "For those who are in love with old-school."

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